01947 602 510 admin.westcliff@yeat.co.uk

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For Parents and Carers


Homework activities:

Homework activities are set at the stage children are working at in the classroom. West Cliff Primary School ensures that all tasks are set at the appropriate ability of the child, including those with special educational needs.

  • Mathematics: Maths activities are set in relation to specific objectives from the children’s learning. These may be on paper, through Seesaw or on Sumdog. Children are expected to practice their times tables and can do this through their TT Rockstars account that is monitored by the class teacher.
  • Writing/Grammar/Reading: English activities are set in relation to specific objectives from the children’s learning. These may be on paper, through Seesaw or on Sumdog.
  • Reading books: Children are encouraged to read on a regular basis. Children use a book scheme to support their reading progress. Children who have completed the scheme are considered ‘free readers’. This allows children to access and read a range of texts from the school’s extensive library. EYFS and KS1 classes have a range of ‘Reading for Pleasure’ books which the children can take home and change regularly to share reading with their parents. These books are separate to their individual reading books. KS2 classes have a book area containing ‘Brilliant Reads’ for their year group. Children can also choose these books to take home and read.
  • Spellings: All children at West Cliff Primary School receive a set of weekly spellings to learn. In key stage one, children are given spellings related to the phonics phase they are working within. In key stage two, spellings are given in line with the National Curriculum (2014) expectations.

In preparation for the end of the Key Stage Two SATs, additional homework activities may be set.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, homework activities are set to support the effective partnership between home and school. These activities may include phonics books, talk topics and opportunities to build on classroom tasks at home.


All of our homework is set on Sumdog.  http://www.sumdog.com/

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