01947 602 510 admin.westcliff@yeat.co.uk

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At West Cliff we believe that teaching and learning in Science should stimulate and excite children’s curiosity about the world around them. It provides first hand experiences and support for children to develop enquiring minds, learning how to question and discuss science through collaboration.


We teach Science weekly using the National Curriculum Programme of Study. as our starting point . However, we aim to enrich the children’s experiences and scientific learning with a       diverse set of enquiry projects that allow them to see how science is embedded within the fabric of society and world of work. Our aim is to  empower students to become scientifically knowledgeable, scientifically literate and methodical problem solvers by fostering a spirit of independent inquiry, nurturing curiosity and bringing current, relevant, real world science into the classroom. We are committed to raising standards of achievement and promoting a lifelong culture of learning through an education in science.

Our Science Principles

principles poster-1


Children in EYFS are introduced to the foundational knowledge of science, featured in the Statuatory Framework for early years and Development matters, that will enable them to be well-placed to access the science National Curriculum in England at Key Stage 1.Children are introduced to science through activities that encourage exploration, problem solving, observation, prediction, thinking, making decisions and talking about the world around them.

The teaching of Science is planned to help develop the key scientific skills of:

  • Asking questions
  • Hypothesising and predicting
  • Planning and carrying out a range of investigations
  • Using equipment correctly
  • Observing and measuring
  • Recording data
  • Presenting results in a variety of ways, including the use of ICT
  • Comparing and evaluating results, looking for patterns and drawing conclusions

We regularly use the five types of enquiry throughout out curriculum coverage. We use the symbols below in every classroom and in lessons to ensure children are able to explain the type of enquiries they are participating in.

Screenshot 2021-12-14 at 19-19-39 Science - West Cliff Primary School

In addition to our classroom work, science is enriched by

  • outside learning through our beach schools programme
  • Educational visits and visitors
  • Weekly STEM and science clubs
  • Science week


Our children :

Are curious about the world around them.

Can confidently and safely carry out enquiries of their own.

Build their skills and science capitol as they move through school.

Be inspired by people who work within STEM to explore future careers.

Science overview WC-1

Primary Science Quality Mark

We are pleased to have renewed our Primary Science Quality Mark. This award recognises excellence in science provision across the school and it is really exciting to be involved in this scheme for a second time.


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