01947 602 510 admin.westcliff@yeat.co.uk

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PSHE / RSE / Citizenship

Ethical            Brave             Nurture

Our school encourages a pupil’s voice to be heard within a safe base, surrounded by secure relationships. This starts right from the beginning within the EYFS and the strong emphasis upon active learning where children are encouraged to be independent and motivated with a strong sense of self – belief, resilience, perseverance, and reflection.

The ethos of our school is to be diverse and inclusive therefore we provide our children with opportunities to learn about their rights and responsibilities and appreciation of others across the curriculum.


  • Offer a programme of study which provide all pupils with the skills, knowledge, and personal attributes they need to become healthy, independent, worthy, and responsible members of society both now, and in the future.
  • Provide activities and discussion which will nurture emotional wellbeing and therefore help increase resilience, confidence, and independence within the wider, modern world.
  • Be aware of the unique child and their personal development within a locality that has some social and economic deprivation and weak breadth of language on entry.
  • Expose children to a broad array of tasks and experiences outside of the classroom which enhance the entitlement framework.


Our PSHE framework follows five themes:

  • Me and my Relationships – different relationships and family diversity, growing up / Puberty, gender.
  • Keeping Myself Safe – Online safety, substance misuse, drugs and alcohol, road and fire safety.
  • My Healthy Lifestyle – emotional health and wellbeing, body image, healthy eating and oral health.
  • Me and My Future – finances, managing risk, career choices.
  • Becoming an Active Citizen – community and global citizenship, British Values.

PSHE lessons take place each week by the class teacher. Children will complete their task within a PSHE book where appropriate. Circle time scenarios and opportunities to share thoughts and feelings as well as open questioning also occur across all key stages.  Each classroom has a ‘PSHE Big Book’ to annotate any whole class discussions and evidence PSHE events such as Friendship Week which are celebrated whole school.

Other special events within the school and local community can be celebrated within a class ‘Special Events’ book. The book contains photographs and descriptions of how children have shown their respect for charitable causes and coming together as a school to support and recognise important social gatherings.

Children also have an individual ‘Dream Book’ and ‘Pledge Book’ which follow their journey throughout their time at West Cliff School from Reception Class right up to Year Six. This shows progression of the child’s understanding of elements within the PSHE curriculum.

At the beginning of each academic year, each child can choose two trusted adults within school whom they can call upon should they need to talk about any worries or concerns alongside their obvious class teacher. We pride ourselves on being a child’s extended family, emphasising the principle of the school / classroom being a child’s safe base.

Here at West Cliff, we have Key Stage Assemblies focus upon different themes each half term. Topics covered enhance and support the classroom PSHE objectives as well as British Values and areas within our Rights Respecting School process. Guest speakers from outside agencies have also lead whole school discussions linked to a PSHE focus.

PSHE objectives are cross – curricular. We believe that much of our whole school intent is covered daily through our Nurture school principals and whole school ethos. All staff are trained and made aware of individual children and their circumstances. This knowledge provides adults with an understanding of behaviour and how to best support the individual.

Staff use restorative practice and emotion coaching where needed. Allocated members of staff provide Compass buzz support to individuals across the school.


Our holistic approach to PSHE means that our children can:

  • Use taught strategies to look after their mental health and personal wellbeing as well as that of others. Talk openly and confidently about thoughts and feelings.
  • Progress to Secondary School and beyond with strong self-belief, positive work ethic and the resilience to achieve.

We currently use the Boxhall profile system as a way of monitoring children’s emotional needs and supporting those who need it.

Class teachers pass on their coverage of the objectives within the Framework to the next year group and monitoring of class Big Books and individual workbooks provides us with the information needed to target areas and celebrate successes.

The Balance assessment tool also works as another method where professional judgements are recorded by each class teacher to measure PSHE impact.


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