01947 602 510 admin.westcliff@yeat.co.uk

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At West Cliff Primary School, we believe that Computing is an essential part of the national curriculum.


At West Cliff we inspire and engage our learners to be confident, skilful and autonomous citizens in the digital world, untethered from the classroom.


We have 1:1 iPads for all children in Key Stage 1 & Key Stage 2, as well as access to iPads for our pupils in the Early Years. We use these, smartboards and Apple TVs to enhance learning across all subjects.

  • The National Curriculum provides a structure and skill development for the Computing curriculum being taught. At West Cliff, we use the Apple 'Everyone can...' resources to deliver the majority of our computing curriculum. These are high quality teaching and learning materials which enable progression for all pupils through the use of a wide range of apps.

For more details, see https://www.apple.com/uk/education/everyone-can-create/

The overview document shows how the key elements of coding, creating and internet safety are organised from EYFS to Year 6. We are also currently trailing the use of BBC Micro:Bit to further develop children's coding skills.


Click here to download the image as a PDF.

  • In EYFS, we use iPads to support our learning and teach children about the importance of keeping ourselves safe both on and offline. We implement technology through a wide range of technological toys and learn about giving instructions, as well as mark making and taking photographs.
  • Our ipads and Seesaw journals provide a log of our work as we move through school and build on our prior learning.
  • We ensure our staff are trained in online safety and can support and respond to any concerns.
  • We share helpful advice and resources with parents and carers, including working with the NSPCC to deliver online safety workshops.
  • We teach children and young people the skills to stay safe online using advised guidance and through nurture and relationships, mutual respect and trust 
  • We have developed robust online safety policies and procedures and regularly review and improve our online safety provision and log and monitor any concerns.
  • The online safety aspects of our computing curriculum are delivered using Google's Be Internet Legends materials.

For more details, see https://beinternetlegends.withgoogle.com/en_uk


Our children

  • understand the importance of staying safe online and what to do if they have any concerns.
  • are responsible and confident users of information and communication technology.
  • talk confidently about computing and their learning.
  • are able to apply their computing skills across the curriculum.

Professional judgements for Computing are recorded each term on our assessment system so impact can be measured.

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